About & CV
08 February 2025
Sébastien Lerique
French and Irish nationalities
Email: sebastien.lerique@normalesup.org
Invited Researcher
Institut Rhônalpin des Systèmes Complexes
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
46, allée d'Italie, 69007 Lyon, France.
- September 2020 to March 2024 — Postdoctoral Scholar at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Japan, to Dr. Tom Froese's Embodied Cognitive Science Unit, then to Dr. Kenji Doya's Neural Computation Unit.
- November 2017 to December 2019 — Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institut Rhônealpin des Systèmes Complexes (IXXI), Laboratoire d'Informatique du Parallélisme, ENS Lyon, France, in Dr. Márton Karsai's team.
Academic activities
Research projects
- Project leader for the Real-Time Social Interaction System (RETSIS) for early detection of risk for mental disorders project, funded by OIST with 3 full-time project members over 3 years, 10 MYen / year. The project aims to explore the relationship between the development of early mental disorders, and the dynamics of minimal diadic interactions.
- Organiser of the Embodied interactions, Languaging and the Dynamic Medium (ELDM) 2020 workshop, Lyon, France, gathering interests and works in embodiment, languaging, diversity computing and ethical technologies.
- Founding member of the Science en Poche project which develops research tools for mobile devices, funded by the Émergence(s) program of the city of Paris. Lead developer of the showcase Android application Daydreaming, which studies mind-wandering through the use of smartphones.
- Member of the ANR project Algopol, which studies the politics of ranking algorithms found in internet search engines.
Peer-review activities
- Co-creator and Managing Guest Editor for the upcoming Language Sciences Special Issue Rerouting to an open future: languaging, participatory technology, and becoming
- Ongoing reviewer for Constructivist Foundations, topiCS, TOPOI
- Associate Editor for Adaptive Behavior
- Review Editor for Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Frontiers in Psychiatry
Diverse academic activities
- 2022 — Program Chair for the International Conference on Embodied Cognitive Science 2022 (OIST, Okinawa, 7-11 November 2022)
- May 2021 to September 2023 — Supervision of interns, master students and PhD students at OIST: Juan Esquivias Farias (intern on Perceptual Crossing and EEG, May to November 2021), Kanon Kobayashi (Medical student intern on Perceptual Crossing, February to March 2022), Yuji Kanagawa (rotation student on Perceptual Crossing simulation, January to April 2022), Shannon Hayashi (PhD student on Perceptual Crossing and diversity, September 2021 to September 2023), Yi-Shan Cheng (PhD student on Soccer modeling and EEG analysis, May 2021 to September 2023)
- July 2018 to August 2019 — Supervision of interns and master students at IXXI: Anca Faur (internship on Deep Learning, July to August 2018), Eliot Tron (internship on Deep Learning, July to August 2019), Irène Labbé-Lavigne (masters internship with Voxlab, February to August 2021)
- September 2018 to June 2019 — Organiser of the Dante Team Deep Learning Journal Club
- January to April 2022, September to December 2022 — Co-lecturer for the Introduction to Embodied Cognitive Science course at OIST, Japan.
- April to May 2019 — Assistant teacher in Optimisation at the École d'Ingénieurs en Chimie et Sciences du Numérique (CPE) Lyon, France.
- November 2014 — Series of introductory workshops to programming and statistics using Python, at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.
- April to May 2014 — Assistant teacher in the Master's course Digitale Kulturen at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Grants and funding
- 2022-2023 — Early Career Kakenhi grant for the development of the Perceptual Crossing setup in collaboration with the Kyoto University Hospital psychiatry department, and the Kyoto International Research Center for Neurointelligence (IRCN)
- 2019 — IXXI fund for the organisation of a workshop on Interaction-centric computing systems and the emergence of linguistic complexity
- 2013-2016 — Allocation Spécifique Normalien
- 2008-2010 and 2011-2013 — Intern-civil servant (fonctionnaire-stagiaire) of the ENS
- 9-20 November 2020 — Leadership and Management Skills, Course for Postdocs by hfp consulting in OIST, Japan. [certificate]
- Sébastien Lerique (upcoming). Languaging and Technology: one coin, two sides, yet too far apart. Language Sciences.
- Sébastien Lerique, Stephen Estelle, Shannon Hayashi, Iwin Leenen, Brian R. Morrissey, Tae Morrissey, Finda Putri, Kenzo Uhlig, Leonardo Zapata-Fonseca, and Tom Froese (2024). The ECSU-PCE Dataset: A comprehensive recording of embodied social interaction with EEG, peripheral physiology, and behavioral measurements in adults. [pdf]
Peer-reviewed journals
- Stephen Estelle, Kenzo Uhlig, Leonardo Zapata-Fonseca, Sébastien Lerique, Brian Morrissey, Rai Sato, Tom Froese (2024). An open-source perceptual crossing device for investigating brain dynamics during human interaction. PLoS ONE 19(6): e0305283. [pdf, publisher]
- Sébastien Lerique (2022). Embodied Rationality Through Game Theoretic Glasses: An Empirical Point of Contact. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. [pdf, publisher]
- Dan Bennett, Alan Dix, Parisa Eslambolchilar, Feng Feng, Tom Froese, Vassilis Kostakos, Sébastien Lerique, and Niels van Berkel (2021). Emergent Interaction: Complexity, Dynamics, and Enaction in HCI. In Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1—7). Association for Computing Machinery. [pdf, publisher]
- Sébastien Lerique, Jacob Levy Abitbol, and Márton Karsai (2020). Joint embedding of structure and features via graph convolutional networks. Applied Network Science, 5(1), 1—24. [pdf, publisher]
- Sébastien Lerique and Camille Roth (2018). The semantic drift of quotations in blogspace: a case study in short-term cultural evolution. Cognitive Science, 42: 188-219. [pdf, publisher]
- Mikaël Bastian, Sébastien Lerique, Vincent Adam, Michael S. Franklin, Jonathan W. Schooler, and Jérôme Sackur (2017). Language facilitates introspection: verbal mind-wandering has privileged access to consciousness. Consciousness and Cognition, 49, 86-97. [pdf, publisher]
- Sébastien Lerique (2016). Pour une étude de la dynamique du sens : Réflexions épistémologiques sur la mémétique et l'épidémiologie des représentations. Travaux de linguistique, 73(2), 45-68. [pdf, publisher]
- Sébastien Lerique (2024). Embodiment, Languaging, Dynamic tooling—Yet more. ICAR & IXXI, Lyon, France, December 2024. [web]
- Sébastien Lerique (2023). PCE Architecture. International Conference on Embodied Cognitive Science, Okinawa, November 2023. [web]
- Sébastien Lerique (2023). From Perceptual Crossing to possible technical futures: bringing technology back to a relationship with languaging. Poster at the International Conference on Embodied Cognitive Science, Okinawa, November 2023. [pdf]
- Finda Putri, Leonardo Zapata-Fonseca, Sébastien Lerique, Stephen Estelle, Shannon Hayashi, Tae Morrissey, Tom Froese (2023). Behavioural and Brain Activity Features during Perceptual Crossing Interaction Between Two Individuals. IHSRC 2023. Tokyo, Japan, 11 August 2023.
- Sébastien Lerique (2023). From Perceptual Crossing to possible technical futures: bringing technology back to a relationship with languaging. Poster at the Interdisciplinary College 2023, Germany, March 2023. [pdf]
- Isobe, M., Y. Katsura, M. Shimamura, S. Shiyu, Sébastien Lerique (2023). Next Generation Leadership Researcher Session (Panel discussion). C-Hub Symposium "Inclusive Leadership". OIST, Japan, February 2023. [web]
- Sébastien Lerique* (2022). Perceptual Crossing Experiment. Demonstration and tryouts during Francisco Varela, une pensée actuelle - autopoïèse, énaction, phénoménologie. Cerisy-la-Salle, France, 13-19 August 2022.
- Sébastien Lerique (2022). Game Theory, Rationality, with Embodied glasses. OIST, Japan, August 2022. [web]
- Sébastien Lerique (2022). Perceptual Crossing Experiment. Demonstration and tryouts during 4E Cognition Workshop Hokkaido. Toyako, Hokkaido, Japan, 6-9 June 2022.
- Sébastien Lerique and Tom Froese (2021). Partial acts as enablers of shared embodied rationality. CILC5, online, September 2021. [web]
- Sébastien Lerique and Camille Roth (2019). Evolution of stories in a large-scale online experiment: bridging psycholinguistics and cultural evolution. IC2S2, Amsterdam, July 2019. [pdf]
- Sébastien Lerique, Dan Dediu, Márton Karsai, and Jean-Philippe Magué (2019). Individual variation, network heterogeneity and linguistic complexity: which way does the relationship go?. IELC 2019, Edinburgh, June 2019. [web]
- Sébastien Lerique, Jacobo Levy-Abitbol, Márton Karsai and Éric Fleury (2018). Joint graph-feature embeddings using GCAEs. Graph Embedding Day, Lyon, September 2018. [web]
- Sébastien Lerique and Camille Roth (2018). Descriptive modelling of utterance transformations in chains: short-term linguistic evolution in a large-scale online experiment. HBES 2018, Amsterdam, July 2018. [web]
- Sébastien Lerique, Éric Fleury and Márton Karsai (2018). Linguistic and social network coevolution: joint analysis of heterogenous sources of information in Twitter. NetSci 2018, Paris, June 2018. [web]
- Sébastien Lerique (2018). Gistr: A web experiment for cultural evolution models. MINT, MPI für Menschheitsgeschichte, Jena, 29th May 2018. [web]
- Sébastien Lerique (2018). La linguistique expérimentale sur le web. Conférences ISN, Grenoble, May 2018. [web, video]
- Sébastien Lerique and Camille Roth (2017). Lexical transformations in blogspace: a case study in short-term cultural evolution. Inaugural Cultural Evolution Society Conference, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena, September 2017. [pdf]
- Sébastien Lerique and Camille Roth (2016). Cultural attractors by iterated sentence reformulation: elements of the cognitive story in complex contagion. Data Driven Approach to Networks and Language, ENS Lyon, May 2016.
- Sébastien Lerique (2015). Pour une étude du contexte d'interprétation. Les Mèmes Langagiers workshop, Université Paris-Sorbonne, December 2015. [web]
- Sébastien Lerique and Camille Roth (2015). Empirical Attractors in Sentence Reformulation Processes. Conference on Complex Systems 2015, Arizona State University, September 2015. [web]
- Sébastien Lerique (2014). Cultural Epidemiology. A quest for ontologies where the social and cognitive sciences can meet. Journée scientifique des doctorants de 1è année de l'ED3C, Paris, March 2014.
- Vincent Adam, Sébastien Lerique, and David Chavalarias (2014). Pocket Science. Easing development of political, scientific, and citizen apps. 3rd Citizen Cyberscience Summit, University College London, February 2014.
- Vincent Adam, Sébastien Lerique, Florence Ruby, Haakon Engen, Gislain Delaire, Tal Yarkoni, and Jonathan Smallwood (2013). Daydreaming: Exploring mind-wandering with smartphones. Brainhack 2013, Paris, October 2013.
- 2017 — PhD in Cognitive Science from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris. Title: "Epidemiology of representations: an empirical approach". Supervision: Pr. Jean-Pierre Nadal and Pr. Camille Roth. Reviewers: Pr. Russell Gray and Pr. Fiona Jordan.
- 2013 — École Normale Supérieure de Paris (ENS) Diploma, majoring in Cognitive Science, minor in Physics
- 2012 — Masters magna cum laude in Cognitive Science from ENS (focused on mathematics and linguistics)
- 2009 — Graduated in Theoretical Physics at the ENS
- 2006 — French Baccalauréat, Scientific section, magna cum laude
Doctoral curriculum
- September 2013 to October 2017 — PhD candidate in sociology and psycholinguistics at the Centre d'Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales (CAMS) at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, and at the Centre Marc Bloch (CMB), Berlin. Active part-taking to academic life at the CMB and to its doctoral workshop. Representative for the PhD candidates from October 2014 to October 2015.
- June 2015 — Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics (LOT) Summer School in linguistics, Leuven, Belgium. Courses: Usage-based linguistics, Word recognition, Question answering and questionnaire design, and participation to Martin Hilpert's discussion group Issues in language variation and change.
- September 2014 to March 2015 — Research stay at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (FFyH) of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), Argentina. Course in cognitive neuroscience.
Pre-doctoral curriculum
- March to July 2013 — ENS 4th year — Internship at the French Consulate General in Jerusalem, working at the Cooperation and Cultural Service and the Diplomatic Chancery.
- September 2012 to February 2013 — ENS 4th year — Development of a software library for behavioural experiments on smartphones and tablets. Course in mathematics (algebraic topology).
- March to August 2012 — End-of-Masters internship at the Centre d'Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales, directed by Camille Roth; empirical study of cognitive bias when people copy quotations on blogs on the Internet.
- 2011-2012 — ENS 3rd year — Institut d'Étude de la Cognition. Additional courses in linguistics (12 credits), theoretical neuroscience (6 credits), probabilistic graphical models (4 credits), reinforcement learning (4 credits), dynamical systems.
- 2010-2011 — Undergraduate Sociology and Anthropology at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM), Buenos Aires.
- 2009-2010 — ENS 2nd year — Institut d'Étude de la Cognition. Additional courses in Arabic (6 credits), sociology (3 credits), information theory, and statistics. Research internship linking cognition and sociology at the Racing Métro 92 rugby club, directed by Florence Weber.
- 2008-2009 — ENS 1st year — Physics Department. Additional courses in cognitive science (3 credits), social anthropology (4 credits), Spanish (3 credits), Arabic (12 credits), geopolitics (2 credits), economy (3 credits), biology (3 credits).
- 2006-2008 — 2 years preparatory courses in mathematics and physics for competitive examinations for French engineering and research schools, Lycée Pierre de Fermat in Toulouse, France. Accepted at the École Normale Supérieure de Paris and the École Polytechnique.
- French and English native
- Spanish fluent
- German intermediary
- Portuguese, Arabic, Japanese beginner
- French Sign Language beginner