Hello! I'm Sébastien. I'm interested in human interactions, in language and technology, and in the endless enigma of life.
I've been lucky enough to explore these topics in Paris' and Lyon's École Normale Supérieure, Berlin's Centre Marc Bloch, and Japan's Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology.
Languaging and Technology
One could say we experience and we are becoming, with time, thanks to interactions. How far can we understand these processes and go from physics to life? On the way, will we step beyond the ruts of current technology?
→ An initial workshop brought interests in embodiment, languaging, diversity computing and ethical technologies together: Embodied interactions, Languaging and the Dynamic Medium (ELDM 2020).
→ Thanks to a great collaboration with Elena C. Cuffari, a Special Issue is gradually emerging from its Call for Proposals (closed).